The Game of Skill and Chance, a Review Game for the Incas, Mayas, Aztecs Illustration

A Review Game for the Incas, Mayas, Aztecs

The Game of Chance and Skill - A Review Game for the Incas, Mayas, Aztecs

Example Board













You can make each team any size that works for your classroom. One of my classes had 30 kids. For 30 kids, I needed 5 tables with 6 chairs per table. I assigned 3 kids to a team very quickly. I did not let the kids pick their friends. That gave me 10 teams. That gave me 5 tables of game play, each table with 2 teams seated in competition. Any size team works. It depends on time. The more kids on a team, the more likely one of them will remember the answer and the game will move swiftly. My kids loved this game. I was going to play one round, but we ended up playing winners against winners; losers against losers for round two, and then round three same thing. We ran out of time on that one, which was good because no team lost all three rounds. I kept emphasizing that this is a game of chance. Some questions are easy. Some are hard. But the kids didn't seem to mind winning or losing. They just wanted to play. It was weird. 


  • Each team will create their own board of nine empty squares, arranged like a tic-tac-toe board. One team, one blank for the team to use.

  • Select any three squares and put the letter I in the center. (Incas)

  • Put the letter M in any of the three remaining squares. (Mayas)

  • Put a letter A in each of the last three squares. (Aztecs)


  • Each team will be asked a question at random drawn from a hat. A hat with folded questions will be placed in the center of each table.

  • If you answer the question correctly, and it is a question about the Incas, select any I and cross it off. Do the same for a question about the Mayas or about the Aztecs.

  • If you receive a fourth question on a civilization you have already completed, and you answer correctly, you may cross off any letter remaining on your board.

  • If you do not answer the question correctly, your question will be returned to the hat. You might even be unlucky enough to get the same question again!

  • All teams will have a chance to finish the round before a winner is announced. That way, every team has an equal chance. There may a tie.


Here are some questions and answers. You may choose some of these questions for your game, or create questions and answers of your own. Be sure and put both question and answer on the same side of a piece of paper that you can then fold for random drawing. I only mention this because I forgot one year and put the answers on the back. Fortunately, I caught that error before I ran copies for my classes.